DIY Fabric Covered Easter Eggs

DIY Fabric Covered Easter Eggs

2021 Mar 31st

Get “egg-cited” for Easter with this fun, easy DIY project!

For many, decorating Easter eggs is a family tradition. But if you dread the messy dyes that accompany the craft, these fabric-covered eggs are a great alternative. Plus, there’s no need to waste a good egg in the making, and you can reuse your creations next year.

So let’s hop to it!

How to Make Fabric Covered Easter Eggs 

What you’ll need:

  • Scissors
  • Mod podge or glue
  • A paintbrush
  • Measuring tape
  • Fabric scraps
  • Styrofoam or plastic eggs

Step 1:

Measure the height and circumference of the egg.

Step 2:

Use these measurements to cut a rectangle of fabric.

Step 3: 

Cut slits along both sides, making sure to leave about ½" to 1" in the middle, depending on size. Cut the end of each strip into a point.

Step 4: 

Apply mod podge to the uncut area using a paintbrush. Wrap the fabric around the egg with the points facing outwards. Apply mod podge to the slits and press them down. Let dry.

Step 5:

Decorate your home with festive fabric covered eggs and enjoy!

Happy Easter Long Weekend!

Whether you’re crafting or relaxing, we hope you have a wonderful Easter long weekend!

If you do decide to tackle some fabric-covered eggs, don’t be afraid to get creative. Regular printed paper and "washi” paper would work well for these too. Or you could mix things up and try a combo of both.

When you’re all done, add your eggs to a glass vase and place on the mantel, use as a centerpiece, or scatter around your home for a chocolate-free egg hunt!

Gave this project a try? We'd love to see what you created — tag us on social #MyQEStyle! 

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